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philvanhoutte Itdoes, on the side of the dongle. Position 4 is Phoenix. But I don't swith between sims like that and leave it always on position three. I switch via the software for the pc: FeiYing simswitcher (which is included on de cd's).

2019-12-01 05:44:27 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

سؤال: will this connect on the flysky fsi6?

السؤال بواسطة seanzacharyuy على 2018-05-17 05:54:53

philvanhoutte Yesit does, I bought 2 flysky fsi6 and two dongles so that both my sons can learn to fly an rc model on the flightsimulator.

2019-12-01 05:41:32 مساعدة (0)
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سؤال: is this just an adapter only to work with your own transmitter. does it include simulator software

السؤال بواسطة MikeR على 2019-06-20 08:05:01

philvanhoutte Thisis a USB adapter to link your own transmitter with your pc. It does include most popular simulator software (phoenix, Realflight and Aerofly) and serial numbers indeed.

2019-12-01 05:37:05 مساعدة (0)
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