كل الرسائل

andrewmclean Thatis great to know. PWM controller is very inferior to MPPT controller. it looks like the manufacturer is lying and blatantly misleading its potential buyers. Banggood should acknowledge this and either remove it from their shelves or force the manufacturer to remove the MPPT from the front of the controller and advertising.

arugina 04/12/2021
تعليقات (12)

سؤال: I cannot find a 65v power supply. do you sell one for this amp?

السؤال بواسطة andrewmclean على 2018-11-30 10:47:27

wujiahui ID: 1076169 I Hope can help you.

2018-12-03 07:53:03 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)