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sillaur@Helena Olá Se você ainda precisa dos drivers. Aqui estão alguns links que podem ser úteis para o Windows: https://www.mediatek.com/products/broadband-wifi/mt7601 https://www.mediatek.com/products/broadbandWifi/rt2870 Sorte!!

sillaur 21/07/2021
تعليقات (2)

سؤال: For PlayStation 5 as external hard will work? And if not please help me find one that does

السؤال بواسطة AlexSkvortzov على 2022-02-18 03:50:29

sillaur Idon't think it works for Play Station. The best thing would be to look for one that says that it can be used in Play Station, otherwise it is an adventure, the disk may or may not work.

2022-03-02 03:24:23 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)

سؤال: Are the badges removable? And what are it made of?

السؤال بواسطة BG114717491 على 2021-03-17 06:48:41

sillaur Ithink it can be removed, without affecting the synthetic hair. The material of the badge is metal. The badge is pretty well done.

2022-03-02 03:18:14 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

sillaur Yes,you can regulate the type of grinding, coarse or fine. The grinder has a nut to make adjustments.

2022-03-02 03:11:51 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)