كل الرسائل

سؤال: Analog technology with digital technology prices ??? heard so crazy :))

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2020-08-18 11:29:15

saikuru Analcolic & digital are for different use.. I love this goggles.. It's so confortable

2021-11-19 03:30:45 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (4)

سؤال: Hi , is latency delay issue completely solved or not ?

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2021-01-07 09:20:04

quaduo i received mine 02-2021, stock firmware is updated, no latency, no need to update

2021-05-07 04:22:29 مساعدة (4)
أجابات (3)

سؤال: why this trash google much expensive ?

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2020-09-06 10:42:05

BG808545151 these goggles are super nice and the price is perfect. can't get a better deal

2020-12-26 07:49:27 مساعدة (2)
أجابات (7)

سؤال: as now 10 september 2021. if I buy this , is it having latency or delay issue ?

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2021-09-10 05:04:49

Cheerful There will be a delay, depending on the camera used, there will be a delay of about 50-60ms

2021-09-13 09:07:28 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)

سؤال: is this have built-in osd for analog vtx ?

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2021-03-07 02:09:08

Macklin2 Yes , you can read the manual. http://myosuploads3.banggood.com/products/20200805/20200805022954HolybroKakuteF7MiniV3Manualv1.0.pdf

2021-03-26 02:02:52 مساعدة (0)
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سؤال: faulty like ev300d? with that price , I will choose fatshark HDO 2

السؤال بواسطة BG173411833 على 2020-08-05 05:00:41

Martin You may try if your nose is small enough. Mine isn't, so I can't use my HD3s, while my ED200d both fits my nose and IPD.

2020-08-17 10:04:01 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)