
Skyfox Banggoodcut off my review. Here's the rest: ...probably due to low quality optics and/or image sensor. The stand is very shaky so it's very hard to hold the image steady while turning the zoom/focus wheel. The photo attachment part of this review entry doesn't work, so here's an album of images I made using this microscope for your reference. https://www.flickr.com/photos/131956796@N05/albums/72157678753583818 Overall, this would be fun for kids to use and may have some novelty value or occasional usefulness to everyone else. Just don't expect to do any serious quality work with it. The star rating system still doesn't work, so here are my ratings for this microscope: Value for Price: V

Skyfox 17/02/2019
تعليقات (6)

Skyfox I can't find any way to edit or delete my review so I have to retract it here. It seems I was simply applying the solder mask much too thick. If I use a Q-tip or something to smear the solder mask on in a very thin layer, so the copper is still visible through it but with a green tint (in the case of the green solder mask), it does in fact cure under a strong UV blacklight and does in fact mask the metal so solder will not stick to it. It just takes longer than expected to cure under UV.

Skyfox 18/10/2018
تعليقات (2)