
سؤال: $270 but it has a FPV transmission range of 450 meters 🤣😂 what garbage is this?

السؤال بواسطة akarty328 على 2021-05-10 03:00:53

wingsfromheaven You are correct. This drone is severely overpriced at $250+ USD. Based on the market and similar competition, it's worth no more than $200 delivered. It's a toy-grade drone with very limited range, severe FPV lag, frustrating gimbal response, limited camera controls and poor dynamic range. The SD-card footage is 720p quality at best, despite the native 4K resolution claim. The 3-axis gimbal is a HUGE upgrade from previous years, but the competition ($134 SG907 Max & $152 SG908) provides this feature at a fraction of the price. The only reason that this drone might be priced as high as $200 USD is due to the lack of jello in the video. So this is a rare gem among toy-grade drones. It takes relatively nice photos and the video becomes quite usable after some horizon tilt-correction and exposure-correction in Shotcut or other free 4k-proxy video editor. But at the end of the day, you'll be much happier with a Mavic Mini which can be had for ~$250 USD pre-owned on Ebay.

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سؤال: qual melhor micro sd 256 ? pode deixa o link?

السؤال بواسطة Elizan على 2021-05-12 16:21:49

wingsfromheaven Recommend two $16 128GB microSD cards (5+ flights per card) instead of one $33 256GB card. Or even four $8 64GB cards (2+ flights per card). It's really best to change cards with each battery change, so you don't lose any footage in case of a water crash or flyaway. Any name-brand 'U3' or 'V30' rated card will get the job done since the write speeds are at least 60MByte-per-sec while this drone only records at 100Mbit-per-sec (12.5MByte-per-sec).

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سؤال: Is it compatible with Bayang protocol of Boldclash products?

السؤال بواسطة ZKU119 على 2018-05-03 12:20:00

wingsfromheaven Yes it is compatible with the Bayang protocol, and therefore with the B03, E011, and H67 micro-whoops. Albert Kim shows it working here: www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=_0_fYBJSy98 and MrIgriX shows the stick position at power-up to select the Bayang protocol: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekUrA-58-zI After selecting a protocol the iRX6 commits it to memory between power cycles until you change the protocol again.

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