
سؤال: Can I get 2 with usa electric plug? In description it says it comes with Eu plug.

السؤال بواسطة BG501838545 على 2021-08-24 21:33:45

BG381838121 I bought a very cheap adapter for third-party plugs, no problem, can use it for some toys with different plugs

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سؤال: Do you have a stock?

السؤال بواسطة BG162025434 على 2021-06-30 09:21:42

BG381838121 No, just some toys. Why do you ask?

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سؤال: is this faster than the a959b?

السؤال بواسطة Tom على 2021-05-23 14:51:30

BG381838121 I do not own an a959b because it's too small for old people. But you can see the datas: Both have brushed motors (of the same construction), the 144001 is stronger a little bit because it's a 550 motor and the a959b has a 540 motor. The smaller car has a smaller weight, of course. So the high speed has only to do with the gear ratio. If the smaller car is really faster. But notice: my 144001 cars are not so easy to steer during full speed, but better than the smaller car of the same construction. I really think so. High speed is not the only thing to win a race, the car must drive on the road, not fly around, hahaha. (Although planes are mostly faster ;-). Excuse my poor English, I'm a German Grandpa and learn English just to keep healthy in the mind, you know . I wish you a lot of fun with the little cars, it's always a pleasure for young and old boys, isn't it? :-)

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سؤال: can single battery version run two or three batteries?

السؤال بواسطة B4dass على 2021-05-16 14:11:20

BG381838121 What do you mean by single battery version? If you were to ask if there is enough space for 2 or 3 batteries - no, there is no space for a second battery. The cover is very close to the engine, this isn't the best thing for engine cooling if you ask me

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