صندوق تخزين البطارية Soshine 8x 18650 من البلاستيك الشفاف الصلب

DennyCraneEsq كتبت قبل أيام2787. Very nice box that, as opposed to most of the other products of this kind, even fits large protected 18650s like the NCR18650B!


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة data 02/06/2018 Its a essential item to store your 18650, i have lots of and this case is surprising high quality, very rigid and lightweight, very nice lock and very well polish, witha convenient hook, must have item!
    • بواسطة Vladislav_K 06/11/2019 Очень удобные контейнеры. К сожалению, один из трех был поврежден при доставке, и снова причина - ненадежная упаковка: простой тонкий пластиковый конверт... Very convenient containers. Unfortunately, one of the three ones was damaged during delivery, and again the reason is unreliable packaging - a simple thin plastic envelope...
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