جديد الوجه إزالة الشعر عصا نزع الشعر إبيستيك

rdh2010 كتبت قبل أيام2432.

استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة Lisa 19/06/2013 I naturally have jet black hair, and that reflects on my facial hair as well. I decided to get the epistick because it seemed like an easy and natural way in removing my mustache (if you could call it that) and it did it's job! It did it better than I would have ever expected. And Obviously it did a hurt a little (you're plucking hair from the root so it's going to hurt) but the results were awesome! I'm no longer scared of having a stache that others will notice and it was all for a great price!
    • بواسطة Debbie89 27/04/2016 This is an easy to use product that can take care of those pesky fine facial hair. On the downside, you do have to go through the same spot a few times in order to remove all of the hair and it is somewhat painful. However, I definitely think it's worth the pain and the effort. Unfortunately it broke me out, but my face breaks out really easily, so I knew the risk beforehand. If you don't have a very low pain threshold and you don't break out easily, I would totally recommend it.
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