MUSTOOL MT525 جهاز قياس الإشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي - مجال كهربائي ومجال مغناطيسي
تمت ترجمة جزء من المراجعة تلقائيًا.
User manual is detailed and very well written. It even has informations and health effects of electromagnetic radiation. The device has decent build quality. I tested the Mustool MT525 meter on various devices such as fan, usb and AC power extension cables, power line (outdoors) and smartphones. The resuilt measurements are reliable.
One of most important tools you can have, for safety, in can know where are the danger at, it also can detect interference when troubleshooting computer network problems. Good quality, average plastic body, but very accurate, work with AAA batteries, i use rechargeable batteries, Have background illumination. I really recommend this tool, excellent price!