جمع إشارة الصوت القابلة للتجميع بواسطة FA-MT01 6-12VDC Microphone Pickup Aerial للكاميرا FPV

Kostya كتبت قبل أيام2694.


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    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة Pedromrg 09/10/2015 This is great! working with 5V off my flight controller :D
    • بواسطة 30/03/2017 Please read Package Include part carefully If you like me and only look at the pictures we will think you will receive 5 microphones but you will receive ONLY ONE :) That is my mistake. The photo provided, it lead me to believe I would receive 5 microphones. They should update the photo so people like me needed more than one don't have to reorder and wait couple more weeks. I will update review with how it works when its hooked up and working.
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