Eachine X73 Micro FPV Racing Quadcopter BNF Based Naze32 Flight Controller With Frsky X9D Receiver

chief Wrote 2590 days ago. As others mentioned before, it is a nice indoor flyer, but the propguard is very fragile... I use \"big\" lipos (nanotech 750mah) and fly for 5 minutes without brownout. Other smaller lipos will cause brownout and crashes. The camera is excellent but the wire is just long enough. And since the cam pops of in a crash the short wires can snap of the tx, or jerk the unit out of its housing. I have taken the motor wire of an old brushed micro and soldered this in the place of the short wire. Now if the cam comes of in a crash, the longer wire will save it. I also removed the lipo tray and put a rubber band underneath the quad, this way I can use any 1S lipo I want. Also be sure to order spare props since you won\'t be flying with propguard very long.. This quad is to little and to light for serious outdoor use. Also it isn\'t powerful enough to cope with winds. But for indoor it is a really good quad. (I bought it on sale with extra discount for €25, and this price is what me bought it and makes me content wit


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