مصباح يدوي BLF X5 XPL-HI 1400LM EDC LED 14500

mossynuts كتبت قبل أيام1916.


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة BG111154224 08/11/2021 i have two of these. i Don't know how they manage to reduce quality in every couple of months. in both of these lights i find three quality related issue. 1. (in both lights i have) the pocket chip is not same as shown in picture, it scratches the Anodizing, looks cheap with uneven surface, it is wrong size doesn't fit the body ( you have to grind an bend extra metal to avoid Anodizing scratch 2. (only in newer one) the reflector is defective from factory the shape is different than the older blf
    • بواسطة Davy Ro 23/06/2018 I'm a collector of flashlights and own over 30 some of those are top end lights that cost top end prices. I've had this light a few days now and I can't praise it enough. Great pocket thrower received a great service from banggood so all in all a very good light and a very good service. Thank you
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