Astrolux A01 Nichia 219C 102LM مصباح LED صغير مقاوم للماء للمفاتيح
تمت ترجمة جزء من المراجعة تلقائيًا.
Quite powerful light, well made and nice color LED (not too cold, not too warm). On high mode becomes warm, but it is still comfortable to hold. Lowest mode is really very low. And with removed mode memory works perfectly. When you wake up at night, it always starts from lowest, so nobody is being woke up from the light. To remove mode memory, you have to disassemble the flashlight, unscrew the driver module, remove PCB from aluminum holder, and add 100K resistor in parallel with the capacitor on top (smaller) PCB. This gives you about 6 seconds of memory, after which modes are reset. So no unexpected blinking now. :)
Купил с купоном 5/10, хороший наключник. Свет хороший приятный, четыре режима-слабый, средний, сильный и строб. На сильном режиме греется. Доставка 19 дней.