10 أزواج / 20 قطعة من موصلات XT60 للتوصيل بين الذكر والأنثى للطائرات بدون طيار متعددة الدوارات وسباقات FPV

Castillo كتبت قبل أيام1945.


استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة LoganKirk 15/04/2015 What can I can I say that hasn't already been said about this amazing style of plug?? PLENTY! XT60 is my preferred electrical connection for all my RC applications. PERIOD. Whether you are driving a crawler through a sandstorm of epic proportions, or flying a homemade cheap quad-copter loaded with explosives into an ISIS stronghold, these connectors will not let you down. Your mission will never fail due to a faulty plug connection. I recommend this plug to everyone I meet, even if they don't
    • بواسطة Ovelixias 20/06/2019 I ordered second time. Good product
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