
ez_van You can politely ask the dealer's dedicated customer support, the manufacturers helpdesk directly, or there is always gogol translatte. But you don't have access to an English manual by default, since... شاهد المزيد

2020-11-25 02:12:25 مساعدة (0)
الإجابات (1)

سؤال: For 3,05$ , are 2 pcs or 1 piece ??? thanks

السؤال بواسطة gabi_cj على 2019-01-28 08:13:23

melchiorbo only one received not 2 as advertised!!

2020-02-11 01:46:30 مساعدة (0)
الإجابات (7)

سؤال: hello, I stand 28 cm, 44 Europe, here I can not find !!? , thank you

السؤال بواسطة gabi_cj على 2019-10-13 13:04:50

PJPRADAH Yo calzo 11 americano, que talla es en éste zapato?

2019-10-15 07:12:00 مساعدة (2)
الإجابات (2)