كل الرسائل

JeffCapnfpv Look here on BG for just plain 5V buzzer. The large ones are probably self powered with battery backup, not really needed for whoop sized drones.

2021-12-20 06:59:07 مساعدة (0)
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سؤال: Scusate ma io ho acquistato questa videocamera ma si vede al contrario

السؤال بواسطة hornet600nera على 2019-03-20 03:13:14

roechel o giri la telecamera o vai dentro il menu delle funzioni. li puoi girare l'imagine

2019-05-13 06:34:08 مساعدة (0)
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roechel Same Problems. The first one (the original in the car) was much better. It's gonna be the last one i order, after that i'll have to try to make it brushless. It's a shame, somehow. I mean if it's burned out after a few months and a lot of use, no prob. but just for the trash after a few runs is really bad. hope the one i've ordered now is better.

2019-03-08 03:13:19 مساعدة (0)
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سؤال: s-bus

السؤال بواسطة roechel على 2019-01-07 02:56:21

Pqgarvis Just refer to the manual: http://myosuploads3.banggood.com/products/20190122/20190122200153TYRO79EnglishManual.pdf

2019-01-30 07:45:04 مساعدة (0)
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