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farwestpop Believeme, having little elevator travel is good, especially for beginners. Elevator control is very sensitive and would otherwise make for a very jumpy model. Large travel is used for 3D aerobatics flying.

tomasweiner 11/09/2020
The package was delivered undamaged. The plane is looking nice and the all electonics including gyro-stabilization seems to be working properly. The maiden flight is planned later because I need to fix one or two possible problems at the first: 1) The elevator have very small up and down movements when compared with the rudder (in non-stabilized expert mode as well as in all three modes…). There is an opening near aileron servo on the lower side of the plane which enable to observe rudder and elevator servos. In my p51, the steel wire of rudder is connected on the second pinhole in the servo lever, but the elevator is connected on the first pinhole of the servo lever (more closer to the servo). This is probably the cause of small elevator movement. I have attached the photograph, which show the same detail in my p51 and the same detail of the machine reviewed by Brian Phillips. In the p51 of Brian Phillips are both first pinholes of rudder/elevator servo levers free and both rudder and elevator must be connected on the second pinhole (more distant to the servo). I am afraid I will be not able to fly this plane safely with a such small elevator movement. Please can someone advice me how to fix this problem without cutting into the airplane? I think this is a manufacturing error… 2) The moving surfaces of ailerons are connected to the wing by the very thin epp with many cracks and chaotic holes (epp connections of rudder and elevator looks better in my p51D). Maybe it will be necessafry to fix them better but I am not sure. As judged from photographs in various reviews here, other Eachine mini Mustangs seem to have slightly more thick epp in aileron connections. The product photographs show alternation of epp strips and strips without epp in the aileron connection. Please can someone advice me some suitable foam glue which is sufficiently flexible for fixing aileron connection (enabling easy aileron movement)? I would be grateful for all advices (see photographs..)
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