كل الرسائل

gabi_cj 26/03/2023
تعليقات (0)

سؤال: Is it working with normal tap water?

السؤال بواسطة ujhelyizsofi على 2021-09-14 03:21:24

gabi_cj test 🤗

2021-10-20 06:20:08 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)

سؤال: can I use the Camera without a router and internet. Direct mobile phone to camera ?

السؤال بواسطة bandomer@yahoo.com على 2019-06-26 11:21:47

gabi_cj is needed router and internet ...

2021-10-20 06:16:09 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (3)

ez_van You can politely ask the dealer's dedicated customer support, the manufacturers helpdesk directly, or there is always gogol translatte. But you don't have access to an English manual by default, since you didn't buy one specifying "English manual" in the product details.

2020-11-25 02:12:25 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (1)

سؤال: is this 5G wifi

السؤال بواسطة BG322549344 على 2021-09-10 10:05:27

gabi_cj Unfortunately it is not 5G

2021-09-11 02:01:30 مساعدة (1)
أجابات (3)

سؤال: Hello , is the Chinese or Global , version ? thanks

السؤال بواسطة gabi_cj على 2020-01-07 10:50:21

Visionswas Hello

2020-02-14 07:51:51 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)