كل الرسائل

alexandrrev 13/08/2021
تعليقات (0)

سؤال: buna dumniavoastra inca nu ati trimis comanda va rog ori trimeteti ori restituiti banii 102179556

السؤال بواسطة alexandrrev على 2021-09-17 02:33:45

CarManBy Unfortunately I cant answer now

2022-03-22 11:11:28 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)

سؤال: Hello Can they be used with the Nova Analyser? Regards

السؤال بواسطة Racon على 2021-11-06 01:30:21

alexandrrev you can try I bought something like that and they don't have 50om but 62om .you need 50 for calibration

2021-11-07 08:45:35 مساعدة (0)
أجابات (2)