
سؤال: Can this be use for 2 inch cinewhoop build? 6S?

السؤال بواسطة Hojiqabait على 2021-12-12 13:37:29

ElZaepp No. This motor performs best at 3-3.5 inch. For a 2 inch I would use a 1303 motor on 4s.

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سؤال: What color are titanium standoffs?

السؤال بواسطة Simas Mukauskas على 2021-10-25 14:27:25

ElZaepp Titanium

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سؤال: What is the lens size? How wide is the view angle?

السؤال بواسطة andrieshjdl على 2019-04-11 11:18:44

ElZaepp FPVFOV: 155 Record field of view: 170

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سؤال: Where can I find repacement lens M8 with IR filter? Have you in offer ?

السؤال بواسطة piegr على 2019-02-27 16:52:42

ElZaepp No.I could sell you a bunch of old LiPos, tho!

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