Marcello Actually, as reported by the Company, once installed and calibrated it is suggested to remove the menu board cause the continuous vibrations can deteriorate the wiring and compromise the stabilizer. Sohd Company do suggest to remove it.
رد 13/11/2020polarbear How do you set failsafe RTH?
رد 27/11/2020ganeme82 it come with gps?complete
رد 27/11/2020minhhien which programe that we use to set up ?
رد 12/12/2020BG571865711 if I cannot reconfigure my transmitter to match your function position, is it ok to cut and resolder the wires to the connector?
رد 26/12/2020
@polarbear w
by selecting with the gear switch.
Marcello set channel 5 to -100 ( RTH position)
رد 31/12/2020Marcello no program, software or programming card required. all you have to do is calibrate the plane and the radio as simply shown in the enclosed pamphlet.
رد 31/12/2020loiseau Could we have informations (gps, speed etc) on radio (telemetry)?
رد 16/04/2021Senolam I put mine on a Ranger 2400. Ailerons goes crazy i RTH mode, but works fine on stabilizing mode. But pretty much useless when the RTH mode don't work.. And shipoing it back costs nesrly as much as bying it, and I suppose at my cost too. So no 5 star from me.
رد 31/01/2023BG835541713 what type of controller are you using?
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