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أعلى مراجعة إيجابية لـ %s على Banggood, تسوق أفضل %s بأقل سعر على Banggood. تصفح المراجعات الإيجابية الأكثر إفادة لـ %s قبل الشراء., ألعاب أرسي ، رياضة ممتعة ، أزياء ، إلكترونيات شعبية
Geos 13/02/2018
Well, in all my time as Electronic Engineer, I have past from my hand many KITs and small projects. But none like this! When I ordered this DSO, my first thought (I admit) it was… Mm another lovely toy to have in the top corner of my garage’s shelved! Thankfully I was totally Wrong! This little pappy proved to be one of the most used tools, in my little workbench in the house! I combined with a cheap oscilloscopes normal probe, and a battery case… and that’s it! Even now I don’t believe how many “missions accomplished” in the every days “in field” jobs! I know that is not comparable with a “real” oscilloscope, but is so affordable to get it, so easy to assembly, and proved to be too much usefully in the workbench, that you don’t have any excuse, why not to take it in your hands! This KIT is very good choice for a Saturday Afternoon Project. Any hobbyist who want play with a great DIY little instrument if form of KIT… here they are! The sellers’ services it was very nice, and his respond was fast and very kindly! So I recommend this product and the seller unreservedly! Video how I assembled: https://youtu.be/GmZeNhr2x7Q
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