MECO T6 3600LM Zoomable LED Flashlight 2x18650

Modestas كتبت قبل أيام2353.


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    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة fc-12 20/07/2015 The flashlight takes at 8.2 V roughly 410 mA, which makes 3.4 Watt. As the CREEs have an efficiency of about 100 lm per Watt, 350 lm seems plausible, but _not_ 3500 lm. According to the specs, the CREE XML-T6 can be run with much more power, hence I expected a much higher output.
    • بواسطة Thomas 15/07/2015 This MECO flashlight is listed as 3600LM. Probably not. I bought a smaller flashlight using the same Cree T6 LED and it's brighter. That one was only rated 2000 LM. But it did cost more. This one is big and sturdy and seems fairly well made. For the size and weight, I was hoping for something a lot brighter. Still, it was a bargain at Banggood!
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