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أعلى مراجعة إيجابية لـ %s على Banggood, تسوق أفضل %s بأقل سعر على Banggood. تصفح المراجعات الإيجابية الأكثر إفادة لـ %s قبل الشراء., ألعاب أرسي ، رياضة ممتعة ، أزياء ، إلكترونيات شعبية
kgortmak 25/04/2022
Never owned a combination square before, but seeing the possibilities of such a square I ordered this cheap one. And it works as expected. Readable characters, good fit, and most important: it is square. If it had a tiny dent at the end of the ruler to put your pencil in it would be perfect for me, but that might just be me, not being experienced enough in using a combination square.
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