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المراجعات من بلدك فقط (Jordan)
إظهار النسخة الأصلية

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  • 03/12/2015

    This PCB is a boost converter that does what it says. However one has to follow the traces at the bottom to make this work. The input voltage can be taken from a mini USB Cable through a normal USB port. at J5. Follow the JP2 at the bottom of the board and permanently bridge the JP2 with solder if you intend using this method. Bridge the JP1 with solder if you intend using a 18650 Battery soldered to the J2 white input connector. In my case I used a 18650 LiIon battery in a battery holder for this purpose. If you do not solder any of the JP1 or JP2 this PCB will not work. One can also opt to solder wires directly to J1 input but unless you follow the + and - Terminals with a continuity tester do not use this method. Voltage on no load is 9.2Volts and at 150ma load is 9.0V. Ripple voltage on load was 21mv. Any higher load will increase the ripple voltage and destabilise the 9.0V supply. I have used it on the graphical transistor tester and even the DSO138 oscilloscope without any issues. Using 1 X 18650 battery, this will last for a very long time. Initial 18650 battery charge was 4.2V and after an hour of continuous use, the voltage dropped to 4.02V using Panasonic NCR18650B Battery 3500mah. I soldered a 9V battery clip to the output for easy connecting to 9V appliances for testing. Watch the polarity :D

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    إظهار النسخة الأصلية
  • 04/02/2017

    It can use DSO138 Oscilloscope Kit . Also it can use DSO150 Oscilloscope Kit ! Very Good ! If use with USB input voltage . Short JP2 .

    تعليقات (1)
    إظهار النسخة الأصلية

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