DIY سيارة مصغرة Mini-Z معززة ثنائية الاتجاه 30A Miniature Brushed ESC مع فرامل
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The real thing doesn't look like photos in description. At first I saw the LS-L4015-D on the board and I thought oh no, I had this before and it was crap. As it turned out this is V2 board and it's a joy to use. Throttle is smooth and low rev is working brilliantly. Centre point of this ESC is blinking LED, don't worry about it.
I bought several esc's this size from several different stores to test out.I like this 30a esc from Banggood the best, it worked the way it should by simply plugging in.I will be using more of these in the future.The other esc's I've tried all functioned backwards.Even after reversing my transmitter I could never get them to function properly using reverse to drive forward.If your looking for a esc to control a small motor then look no further this Miniz esc has been great for me.