Ses Thisunit looks pretty similar to N7DDC ATU, check on web for all technical informations. The case and antenna connection are typical for an external installation. If you want to use the tuner on the antenna base e.g. with a wire antenna, the case must be water proof. So avoid to cat holes for PL connector,power cable and OLED display. All cables should go directly into the case. Cut holes for power and signal cable only on the base of case and one hole for antenna connection on top. Test on the bench the range of impedance values this tuner can handle. You need some dummy loads e.g. 5, 10, 25, 75, 100, 150, 500 Ohm. Set the tx on CW 10W on all frequencies, check the result and let us know. You can evoid to put the whole unit in the case to make this test. Connect the OLED screen as follow: board pin to screen pin VCC to VCC, GND to GND, DAT to SDA, CLK to SCL. Use the buttoms to see what happens while transmitting. The power used should be 12-15 Vdc. GL
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