تمت ترجمة جزء من المراجعة تلقائيًا.
The output of this board can oscillate when the slot in the wheel is half open - half closed. The designer added a 100nF capacitor across the photo transistor but that makes the situation worse. To fix this problem, the capacitor closest to the edge of the board should be removed and a 33k resistor must be added between output (pin7) and the non-inverting input (pin5). I will post the schematic in a second. Note: if you poll the output in your software, you can omit the modification. But if you use an interrupt or clock-input, this mod is necessary.
The Product works as it is said in the description: It does not give you speed (speed calculations have to be done by the micro-controller) so the name "Speed Measuring Sensor" is a bit off. these modules could also be used as optical endstops for 3D printers