آلة تلميع المجوهرات بمروحة دوارة 220 فولت مع حبيبات التلميع
تمت ترجمة جزء من المراجعة تلقائيًا.
I am very satisfied with the tumbler. Very handy for stones and small pieces of iron. Banggood is very clever that it has also sent reserve gaskets and drive V-belts. Thank you!
It seems to be very good! Complete with extra motorbelt, extra seal and about 1/4 pound of polishing balls. It was a moment disappointing when I first tried to use the machine, because the forward/backward switch was on. It didn't start...… Until i waited long enough to start rotating. (This system is controlled by a synchonos motor, and has a delay between forward and backward. It was just in delay-mode. After I discovered this it is working is very good! Axles have ball-bearings so I expect a long life for it!