10 ألوان لاختيار ماجيك ميرور كروم تأثير مسحوق معدني المضافة الصباغ مسمار الفن

Adela885 كتبت قبل أيام2672.

استعراضات العملاء مع صور

    التعليقات ذات الصلة

    • بواسطة Adela885 07/02/2017 Unlike other powders or polishes, this one really gives the mirror effect-not just metallic reflexions or glittery reflesions. Very easy to apply, i am verry satisfied with this product, will definetly buy again and recommend it.( I am a bit clumsy with the application, hence the edges of the nail that are not so smooth in the picture)
    • بواسطة funandi 14/11/2016 I received the silver (no.1). The effect is not a mirror one, but a strong chrome one. It looks pretty on the nails and application is super easy!
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